William Wilkanowski violin

This fine Wilkanowski violin is dated 1944 and set up with new Dominant strings.  There are a couple of well repaired table cracks that are nearly invisible.  Violin has a very strong, full voice of excellent quality.  The darker wood on the front is natural grain and just a reflection of the light.

WILKANOWSKI, Willie Born 1886 Poland, Worked circa. 1920-1940 Boston & New York USA. Active from 1895. Emigrated to the USA 1920 and worked for Oliver Ditson in Boston, and from 1938 for Gretsch in New York. Said to have made 5,000 violins, 100 violas, and 30 guitars. Cremonese and personal models. Own amber-oil varnish. Some of the higher quality violins were marked with a W inlay; these instruments are thought to be entirely of his own making.

Length of Back: 363 mm


wilkanowski violin frontwilkanowski violin back

wilkanowski violin scroll