Otakar Spidlen violin

This Otakar Spidlen violin is dated 1929.  Beautifully made, exceptional workmanship and equally beautiful tone and playing characteristics.  Repaired top plate cracks at F holes and on upper bass side.  Fresh set up with new Evah Pirazzi strings. (Photos show Dominant, but Pirazzi’s sound better.)

Henley: Son and pupil of Frantisek F.  Born at Kiev, 1896.  Succeeded to father’s establishment in the Jungmannowa at Prague, 1916.  Made several edifying excursions into notable transepts of the Italian models.  Accuracy of proportions and neatness of workmanship completely exemplified.

Length of Back: 355 mm, full size

Retail $12,000 $9,000


okatar spidlen violin

okatar spidlen violin back

okatar spidlen violin scroll