Eugene Langonet Violin

French Eugene Langonet violin. Authenticated with insurance certificate. Exceptionally powerful solo instrument, responsive, well balanced wonderful tone.The violin currently has Evah Pirazzi strings which seem to sound better than Obligatos or Dominants.  The tone is typically French as you can hear in the video below.  This violin is easily heard above the orchestra.


William Henley: Eugene Langonet was born in Mirecourt.  Apprenticed to Chipot-Vuillaume and worked for Paul Mangenot.  Employed for several years by Messgers W.E. Hill & Sons. Returned to France and worked for Sylvestre and Maucotel, Paris.  Established own premises in Nantes, 1910. Won silver medal at Nantes Exhibition, 1924. Modelling rather original, something more than mere imitation. While whole contour very harmonious indeed. Warm looking, transparent brown varnish. Excellent tonal quality.

Also won the Medaillle D’or Paris 1926.
Wikipedia information

The Langonet Family of Violin Maker’s Geneology

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